Why Are We So Perplexed With Aluminum?

Why Are We So Perplexed With Aluminum?

Why Are We So Perplexed With Aluminum?


Let's begin by clarifying what Aluminum is. Do you recall learning about the periodic table in chemistry class? For scientists and chemists, it still significantly impacts daily life. Many things are built and created using aluminum, from the domestic goods we use to the vehicles we drive.


Pore Blocking Antiperspirant

Al is the chemical element's symbol, and its atomic number is 13. It is made of metal. A flexible metal that can be cast, melted, molded, machined, and fabricated in many ways to fit many needs. Aluminum is so fantastic that you can prepare a delicious supper for your family in an aluminum pot and then apply an aluminum antiperspirant on your armpits to clog your pores to stop you from releasing the daily toxins you’re exposed to through sweating. Too graphic? Good.


Let's run that one more time, ponder on that Aluminum in deodorant. Blocking sweat pores keeps you from sweating. But sweat is the way we release the toxins we are exposed to in our everyday life. So, if we are using Aluminum, we are holding onto toxins, and what are those toxins doing to our bodies? Is this what's causing inflammation? Cancer? Disease? Is there a better way?


Choose Safe Over Aluminum

Absolutely, there is a better way! All you need is a deodorant. No pore blocking, harsh metals, or long-term attachment to unnecessary toxins. A simple method to keep you fresh when you naturally sweat.

Living in the days where information is right at our fingertips, it is just too easy to learn and understand why we should and should not use products that are just poor for our health. Those things we can control, we should. As there is just so much, we cannot. I always say you only have one body, so take care of it. Invest in your health by making better choices instead of waiting for problems to arise. Health is Wealth!

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